2019.05 FMBW/kitty #menstruation

Seems like every month on the dot (or Period, if you will) I wonder why I don’t have more characters who menstruate.

Countdown until I draw this lady a face because I can’t do masks in 3... 2... 1...

2019.05 FMBW/others #menstruation

Seems like every month on the dot (or Period, if you will) I wonder why I don’t have more characters who menstruate.

Countdown until I draw this lady a face because I can’t do masks in 3... 2... 1...

2019.04 FMBW #menstruation

Seems like every month on the dot (or Period, if you will) I wonder why I don’t have more characters who menstruate.

Countdown until I draw this lady a face because I can’t do masks in 3... 2... 1...

2013.09 Sangwyn #blood

SMy blood-sweating tiefling Sangwyn is a perfect dubcon baby, oh yuss he is. OH YUSS HE II-IIIIS. IT'D JUST KILL YOUR BONER TO ADMIT YOU LIKE IT, WOULDN'T IT.