Flight Rising AU + Fritz + Zariya
2023.02 Fritz #blood
2023.02 Fritz/Zariya #lingerie (x2)

2021.06 Fritz #heels (x2)

Don’t mind me, just putting the boyf in normal innocuous business attire. Why were your legs already waxed for this, Fritzchen...
I love when little toe creases show in heels... you think you're fancy but you still got secret paws.

2021.06 Fritz #hemipenes

"Is this necessary? Es ist erst Montag..."
Hemipenes are like those tents that unfold and once they're out of the carrying case you're not sure how you're ever going to put them back.

2015.10 Fritz/Zariya #blood #hemipenes #body horror

It’s important to be able to communicate with your partner. How else are they going to know to microwave the blood bag for 35 seconds first?
I love working with backward-legged shapeshifters, because now nothing I do is anatomically incorrect.
Also yes, she actually does need those gloves to touch him. She can survive the shock, but you’re not… always in the mood for that, y’know?

2015.10 Zariya #body horror

Need a jump-start, darling?
She gets all showy when she’s excited. This isn’t even the worst of it.

2015.08 Fritz, Zariya #blood #drugged #self-harm (x8)
2015.05 Fritz #oviposition (x2)

Okay, so sometimes experiments go awry. This is to be expected. Being a god, Stormcatcher doesn’t personally take all the safety precautions available. Sometimes he stands directly in front of very powerful rays just because it’s warmer there. Incidentally, that’s how he learned he’s immune to radiation.

He is, however, apparently quite vulnerable to chemical developments in fertility. After just a week of trial experiments that involved applying a special balm to low-fecundity subjects without wearing gloves, something in him started to stir.

None of the assistants noticed his legs trembling until his knees buckled beneath him. It was quite a sight for the usually-reserved dry-lab, where just minutes earlier he’d been lecturing on conducive metals, and was currently viciously unfastening and tearing off his pants, intent on releasing the thing gurgling and growling from his lower half.

Thankfully what came out was actually fairly aesthetically pleasing. One bright blue, glowing egg, slick and round and perfect. Then two. Then three. Stormcatcher trembled and clenched his fists as the firm, unfertilized spheres popped out, one right after the other, forming a nest between his legs.

He laid eighteen eggs in all before the last soft plop. He sighed, exhausted. An assistant offered him the tail of her labcoat to dab his brow.

“Ach, I may have made something of an oversight. Es macht nichts. Auch ein gescheites Huhn legt sein Ei neben das Nest.

False Edge + Fiend, mostly
2022.12 Fiend #blood (x2)

Mapping out the old territory… I’m not horny but I can be for Procreate brushes.

2021.10 Fiend #goop #sick

This happened to me and I needed to process my trauma by making it sexy.

2021.08 Fiend #southmouth #softvore

I refuse to miss another Vore Day. I also refuse to do it correctly.
I do not understand the distended belly thing. But I'll try anything thrice.

2020.11 Fiend #boots #snuff (x2)

No reason to waste an apple.

2020.09 Al/Fiend #bodyswap #southmouth

So back when I was drawing Al and Fiend body-swapped, I got to thinking... this is the only circumstance in which they would agree to fuck.

2020.04 Fiend #boobs (x2)

Exploring the concept of Fiend with tits. They're happy about 'em, it's the outfit they're not sure about.


2020.03 Fiend #boots

You're not fit to lick your own blood off my boots!

2020.01 Fiend #goop #sick #southmouth (x2)